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Garbage/Trash Can Guidelines Reminder

Published: October 13, 2021

Just a friendly reminder on the current HOA garbage/trash can guidelines. Below you will find a few helpful reminders that will help keep our neighborhood looking clean and attractive:

    1. GENERAL: Trash is picked up on Wednesday (except Christmas and New Year’s Day). Should you miss a pickup, please remove your trash from the curb until the next collection day.
    2. TRASH IN CONTAINERS: Place trash in sealed hard plastic trashcan at curbside no earlier than 6PM on Tuesday the night (after dark) before pickup. Please remove containers from the curb no later than 8am on Thursday the day after collection. Remember to mark your trash containers with your house number.
    3. TRASH IN BAGS: Do not put out trash in plastic or paper bags until the morning of pickup (not the night before). Leaving bagged trash on the curb overnight brings unwanted animals and disease to our neighborhood. Please be sure to tie your bags securely before putting them out for pickup.

We appreciate everyone’s cooperation and attention to this matter.

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